Tracking And Reporting

Single Page Plan - Members - Video Training

Tracking And Reporting
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Tracking And Reporting

Action is the key. You can be the most talented person in the world or have the best ideas, but if you do not take action you will achieve nothing.

Doing the wrong things is nearly as bad.

Every day it is crucial that at the end of the day you look over what you have done and ask yourself 'will what I have done today make a difference 10 years down the line?”

You are already the composer of your own life. Knowing you have the power to create your own music, how would you compose each day so that each day is a masterpiece?

You not only need to take action you also need to be tracking and reviewing your progress and evaluating how you need to improve to keep moving forward.

It’s critical to review, assess, refine, and revise your plan. New situations and challenges are inevitable, and they’ve got to be factored into your plan as they present themselves! But it is also essential to see that you are making progress, getting closer to your goal achievement.

You need to keep track of your accomplishments and results. Set aside time so to evaluate how well your plan is working, and tweak it if you're not making the progress you want.

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Design Your Life Goals (Where)

My Weekly Review - Support Tool

An important part of tracking and reporting is using the weekly review tool. There are blank templates available for you to download, print and use if you don't have access to this online support tool.

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