Check out my book Goal Setting Made Easy With The Single Page Plan here.

Are you ready to create your dream life?


Are you living the life of your dreams or as I call it your dream life? Do you have a crystal-clear vision for the life you want to live – what you want for yourself and for the influence you want to have and the legacy you want to leave for others? I write this on the 1st anniversary of my father’s passing. A man who lived a great life who played an integral part in the famous screen advertising company Pearl and Dean, a family man married for over 50 years, a great dad to 3 kids, 2 granddaughters and 2 grandchildren. A man truly mourned by those who knew him.

Let me clarify something right now, to create your dream life is not going to happen by itself. Yes, you have to do something about it. The very first step is to imagine what kind of life you would like to live. And be very honest to yourself, think about what you really want, what you really desire. Don’t be afraid, dream big. Find your Big hairy audacious goal (BHAG)!

Hey there! I’m Larry Lewis, I am life and business coach, determined to help others discover and embrace their dream life.

Are you ready to create a life you absolutely love living?

Are you ready to give your dream life the chance it deserves?

Does this sound familiar?

You’re dissatisfied with your life as it is, but you don’t know what you’d change or how.

What if you could find a way to get crystal clear on what you REALLY want, and then have a plan to make it come true?

You feel like you’ve hit a brick wall because you have a burning desire to go after your dream life, but you don’t know how to do it. What if there was a PROVEN system for creating your dream life

You feel scared to believe in a dream you know isn’t yet real, but you have this longing to make it real. What if you could learn how you can make your dream real RIGHT NOW?

You constantly feel unsettled because you know you have choices but don’t know which path to take. What if there was a system for determining which path best fit your dream – or for creating the perfect path for you?

I’ve got GREAT news for you…

You are in the right place, right now!

I invite you to join my Single Page Plan Coaching system.

I have been there too! AND at one point in my life, I nearly lost my life…I lost everything, and I slept on my gym floor for 3 months after the break up of my marriage.  I’m not telling you this to make you feel sorry for me. I’m telling you this so you know I’ve been where you are. I’ve hit rock bottom (losing most of my possessions). I’ve struggled with relationships, and I fought my way back up the ladder of success using this exact system I’m introducing you to. If I can do it, so can you.

If you keep saying ‘someday my dream will come’, here is a system that truly could make that possible.

I’m here to show you HOW you can do it, no matter how dark things look right now. I am absolutely committed to supporting you to build your dreams and create a life you absolutely love living. I’m going to guide you all the way through your dream building journey.

Here is what you will discover.

1. The Good, the Bad, the Ugly of Life right now

We all start from somewhere. Whenever you go on a journey you have to know your starting point. If you were using a Sat Nav there’s no value putting in the final destination you want to reach unless you also put in your current position. So to start this journey to build your dream life you have to review exactly how things are for you ‘NOW.’ You need to reflect on what’s good in your life and what’s not so good. What have you achieved and where you’ve failed. Go back over the last year and remember all that has happened, the good, the bad, the downright ugly.

2. What’s your Life Score?

Life is made up of a variety of key areas. They each contribute to how good and balanced your life may be. Too frequently we focus on only a few, whether that’s our financial position and our business, ignoring relationships, health, personal life, spiritual wellbeing, personal growth and general lifestyle. You need to examine each of these important areas of your life and see the life departments where you simply have to make improvements.

3. Begin plotting your future by determining what needs to change

It isn’t unusual to moan and groan about how things are in our life but rarely can we describe accurately what’s wrong. Life’s just not right, I feel like a failure, always having financial problems, I’m alone and can never establish a good relationship. So many things may be wrong with your life right now but be specific. Ask yourself what needs to change now to make life so much better. The key changes that will make the biggest difference. Is it to make your intimate relationships better, to change your career from one you hate to one filled with your passions. Examine deeply what needs to change to bring about a huge improvement.

4. It’s time to start dreaming

Time to start looking at the life you want to live. No longer being filled with your disappointments and failures, but instead creating the list of things you will set out to achieve. I call this your be, do and have list. These are the keys to a happy, contented, successful life. I don’t want you spending every minute trying to simply survive. Instead I want you to create a dream life where you’re ticking off item after item on your bucket list of life. So, start your metamorphic transformation by working out everything you want to do, be and have from this point forward.

5. Create your Dream Life in your mind

How often is your mind filled with negative thoughts? Always looking at the worst possible outcome for your future seeing this scary image of a life of failure after failure. Well now you are about to make a significant change. You are going to use the power that we all have within us to imagine the dream life ahead sometime in the future, whether this be 5, 10, 15 or 20 year’s ahead. You are going to visualise a dream life where everything has worked out perfectly and you have built a life exactly they way you determined you wanted it. This is where you make that determination and then create the movie of it successfully being created.

6. You need a catalyst, your candle to the moth.

Every moth will move towards that burning flame on the candle. It just calls them towards it and captures their entire desire. What’s your flame? What are you working towards achieving where you are putting everything in to making it happen, because this is what you want more than anything else. This is your BHAG, your breakthrough goal. It provides you the motivation, desire, and will get ton step up, push the boat out and go for it no matter what. You just have to fathom out what your big hairy audacious goal is.

7. Your life changing short-term goals

Knowing your BHAG, and your be, do and have list items and now having a vision of your future life you now have to begin setting goals to move you forward towards the achievement of all this. You need focus, but on what? Find 4 goals that you will work on over the next year which the achievement of which will move you forward further than anything else could.

8. Empower yourself by discovering your reasons

We all need something to compel us into action, reasons for what we do. What motivates you the most? What would get you out of bed early and to bed late. What would make you work your back side off, and refuse to give up or do things that aren’t good for you but you see them as pleasurable. You need your why, and you have to find what most resonates with you and will drive you forward with passion, desire and commitment.

9. Fill your day with the activities that will give you the best pay off

You need to determine the activities you need to take to bring about the best results possible. This determines for you exactly what you need to do if you genuinely want to achieve your goals. Work out every action you need to take to attain each goal , those high valued activities that will make sure you achieve the most out of every day. You have to eliminate all those time wasters, activities you spend time on that produce no real effect, that bring no value to improving your life. Here you have to work out hosed key activities that will sky rocket your success. No longer work or do things because you always have, instead work out what will best pay off.

10. Measure your results regularly

How often do you check your progress? Are the things you’re doing working the way you need them to? Are you moving towards achieving your goals? It is essential that you measure your progress. Whatever your goal you will get there faster by tracking and measuring how you are doing. Decide on the results you can measure, and on those activities you are doing to make sure they’re producing the results you need. You have to determine your key performance indicators.

Once you have determined the answers to all of this, you then need the tools and a system to ensure you keep on course, taking the necessary actions and reviewing the results you’re achieving.

We give you all of this a tool to guide your life and support you in becoming a goal achiever.

The Single Page Plan for Life system

The Single Page Plan for Life Coaching Program is a proven, 365-day process, which will take you from wherever you are now — stuck, frustrated, scared, unhappy — to confident and fulfilled as you learn exactly how to define your true dream and how to develop a concrete plan for achieving it. I will guide you through with a series of videos, email support and 1-2-1 coaching to help ensure you succeed.

Let me briefly introduce you to a few of the tools you will receive

  • Review System – Providing tools to ensure you’re staying on track, bringing about improvements and following through with your plan. Weekly, monthly and yearly review tools.
  • Action Planner – Create a step-by-step action plan which will allow you to achieve your goals and show you every task you need to perform to achieve the best results possible.
  • Daily Journal – Keeping you focused on your goals and action plans, and a place to give yourself feedback and note observation and important events so you never forget.
  • A Life Plan – The magic of our entire system, a life plan on one single page. A life changing tool par excellence.

Here it is, plain and simple. I’ve been where you are – right on the edge of just giving up on my dreams, discontented, frustrated, feeling a failure. And I know how good it feels to move forward – to have a plan to work on, taking steps to a life you want. For a limited time only, I’m offering the Single Page Plan Coaching system for just £3.99 a month (go here) or £375 to work with me in six 1-2-1 coaching sessions to design your perfect plan (go here).

Let me ask you this? How much is it worth to you to learn an entirely new way of thinking that will give you a plan to achieve your dream life.

How much is it worth to you to realize that you hold the power to change your life and make it exactly what you want it to be – that there is a process in place for doing so?

And how much is it worth it to you to FINALLY experience a wonderful life transformation?

Now are you ready?

Get started on this complete system for getting clear on your dreams and creating a plan to make your dream life happen, step by step.

The clock is ticking. Yet it’s never too late to do what’s right and follow your heart with all your might.

You owe it to yourself to do that, at least.

If you want to chat with me to find out more or determine if this really can help you transform your life then arrange to have a FREE coaching session with me. To organise click HERE and set up an appointment for a day and time suitable to you.

Looking forward to working with you and seeing your life truly transform.

About the author: Larry Lewis
I am a life coach, blogger, speaker and author who loves helping others discover the unlimited possibilities and opportunities awaiting them, enabling them to overcome their difficulties and get their life back on track.

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Thanks for reading,

Larry Lewis.
Single Page Plan.