Check out my book Goal Setting Made Easy With The Single Page Plan here.

Archives by: Larry Lewis

Don’t Make This Common Mistake When Setting Your New Year’s Resolution This Year

In today's article I'm going to show you the most common mistake people make when setting a New Year's Resolution. January is fast approaching and if you're like me, now is the time you will be thinking about setting a New Year's Resolution or two for the New Year. As a life coach I get inundated ...

Live Each Day As If It’s Your Last

Do you live each day as if it's your last? Or do you go about just dreaming about what you should have done, or maybe  what you are going to do in the next 10 years? Life was meant to be lived day by day. What happened in the past, or what might happen in the ...

Take a life inventory | Review & Celebrate the past 12 months

As you prepare for the Christmas festivities to start and then ready yourself for the New Year, it’s important to step back and take a look at the year just finished—take a life inventory, consider everything that’s happened, and see how you did. Only then will you be ready to make the most of that ...

How to make New Year Resolutions Work for YOU!

Well it’s getting to that time of year where we start unwinding and getting ready to enjoy first the festive season and then to celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of a new one. At that point many of you will then turn your attentions, for a while, to your goals, and ...

If J.K. Rowling can so can you | On a Single Page

I’ve heard quite a few times recently people saying things like ‘Surely you can’t plan your life out on a single page’’ My answer is ‘of course you can!’ This weekend I’ve been very busy promoting a two day special offer where through the Amazon Kindle Store a single page plan book has been offered for ...

The Art of the Comeback

No matter where life finds you today, you need to believe in the art of the comeback. No matter your troubles anybody can make a comeback in life if they put their mind to it and put everything they have into trying to make life better and move things forward. Of course it’s not easy, ...

A Life without Goals

It seems so many people live a life without goals, simply fighting for survival, crippled by a growing mountain of problems and fearing what their future will bring. They’re lacking direction unsure what to do to bring about change, not even knowing what they want out of life. Getting through today with no new disaster would ...

Having a Purpose in Life even when Times are Hard

In our lifetimes we all have had a purpose in life having had things that we wanted to achieve, meeting our perfect soul mate, building an amazingly successful business, getting our bodies perfect, having a wonderful loving family, but for many of you these have failed to materialise, and unfortunately life has turned out very ...

The Top 10 Reasons Your Goal Attempts Fail

Statistically when trying to achieve goals one can assume that most of your goal attempts fail. There is compelling evidence that regardless of good intentions and effort, people consistently fall short of achieving their goals. I am sure that every one of you at some time in your life has set goals, goals that excited you. ...

Have you got a life plan?

Having a life plan means you know where you’re going in life. It is a plan to take you from your current reality to the life you want to live, a rich, intentional life. We can all change our lives, we simply have to make a choice. To either remain in your mediocre and dull existence ...

Serious about achieving your goals?

The article you're about to read is just a small part of goal setting. Chck out my book Goal Setting Made Easy With The Single Page Plan. It contains everything you need to achieve your goals and is available to purchase on Amazon.

Click here to find out more (opens in a new tab).

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Thanks for reading,

Larry Lewis.
Single Page Plan.