My Monthly Review – Support Tool

Single Page Plan - Members - Video Training

My Monthly Review – Support Tool
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My Monthly Review – Support Tool

It's so easy to take a wrong turning or spend immeasurable time doing things which end up being little more than time wasters. You can't afford to just let time pass by without reviewing your progress.

You need to review your progress at the end of every month.

“It is a bad plan that admits of no modification.” Publilius Syrus.

Scheduling the monthly review is important, so I suggest you set the meeting into your calendar ahead of time.

Take your review session schedule very seriously.

You can find the monthly review tool by clicking here.

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Design Your Life Goals (Where)

My Action Plan - Support Tool

See how powerful our action planning tool is here! It's built around your Single Page Plan and is the only action plan that will allow you to concentrate on achieving your high value activities which are your short term 365 day goals.

There are blank templates available for you to download, print and use if you don't have access to this online support tool.

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