Tracking And Reporting Modules

Welcome to the Tracking And Reporting training modules

It’s critical to review, assess, refine, and revise your plan. New situations and challenges are inevitable, and they’ve got to be factored into your plan as they present themselves! But it is also essential to see that you are making progress, getting closer to your goal achievement.

Tracking And Reporting

It’s critical to review, assess, refine, and revise your plan. New situations and challenges are inevitable, and they’ve got to be factored into your plan as they present themselves!

My Weekly Review – Support Tool

An important part of tracking and reporting is using the weekly review tool. There are blank templates available for you to download, print and use if you don't have access to this online support tool.

My Monthly Review – Support Tool

Every month you need to take an hour to review your progress and plan your next month to ensure constant improvement for your high value activities. There are blank templates available for you to download, print and use if you don't have access to this online support tool.

My Action Plan – Support Tool

See how powerful our action planning tool is here! It's built around your Single Page Plan and is the only action plan that will allow you to concentrate on achieving your high value activities which are your short term 365 day goals.

There are blank templates available for you to download, print and use if you don't have access to this online support tool.

How To Journal

A journal is a gathering place for all of your observations and discoveries about life. It is the perfect place to analyse where you are, to look at your daily progress and to capture everything important. The very act of journaling helps you think more objectively about your actions and the results they achieve.

The journal combines my proven goal-setting process with my daily productivity system. It’s the missing link that ties your daily tasks to your 365 day goals so you’re constantly making progress.